
发布时间:2022-10-20 09:55:04


摘  要:促進烟农增收是当前烟草行业的一项重要任务,全国大部分产区均开展了促进烟农增收工作的探索。本文通过调查分析了凉山烟区以烟为主的不同种植模式。调查发现,凉山烟区主要有烤烟-水稻、烤烟-大麦、烤烟-小麦、烤烟-苦荞麦、烤烟-油菜、烤烟-秋豌豆、烤烟-光叶紫花苕、烤烟-大蒜、烤烟-玉米、烤烟-结球甘蓝、烤烟-芜菁等种植模式。由于不同市县烟区海拔、气候条件及生产习惯等不同,不同种植模式分布区域有所不同。不同种植模式经济效益差别较大,最高可达2000元/667 m2以上,最低仅为200元/667 m2左右。不同种植模式均具有较好的社会效益和生态效益。在综合分析不同种植模式经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的基础上,提出了适宜凉山水旱轮作区和旱地轮作区以烟为主的促进烟农增收种植模式。


中图分类号:F326.12          文章编号:1007-5119(2019)04-0084-08      DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2019.04.013

Survey Analysis on the Planting Pattern of Raising Tobacco Growers" Income in Liangshan Area

REN Jie1, LIU Xinmin1, FENG Changchun2, WANG Yong2, SUN Peng1

ZHU Xianzhou2, YIN Fuqiang3, GAO Jun2*, HU Haizhou1*

(1. Tobacco Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qingdao 266101, China; 2. Liangshan Branch of Sichuan Provincial Tobacco Company, Xichang, Sichuan 615000, China; 3. Xichang University, Xichang, Sichuan 615013, China)

Abstract: It is an important historical task for the tobacco sector to promote tobacco growers" income. The exploration of increasing tobacco growers" income had been carried out in most of the tobacco production areas in China. In this study, planting patterns in Liangshan tobacco growing areas were surveyed and analyzed. The results showed that there were different planting patterns in Liangshan tobacco areas including tobacco-rice rotation, tobacco-garlic rotation, tobacco-viciavillosa rotation, tobacco-buckwheat rotation, tobacco-autumn pea rotation or intercropping, tobacco-wheat intercropping, tobacco-barley rotation, tobacco-rape rotation, tobacco-maize rotation, tobacco-cabbage rotation and tobacco-turnip rotation. Distribution areas of these planting patterns were different because of the differences in altitudes, climatic conditions and production habits in different counties. The economic benefits of different planting patterns differed significantly from each other, with the highest reaching more than 2000 yuan/667 m2 and the lowest being only about 200 yuan/667 m2. All of these planting patterns had good social and ecological benefits. The suitable planting patterns for raising tobacco growers" income in paddy-upland rotation areas and dryland rotation areas in Liangshan were put forward on the basis of comprehensive analysis of economic, social and ecological benefits of different cropping patterns.

推荐访问:烟农 增收 种植 模式 调查

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