
发布时间:2022-06-22 11:55:02





 - Can you hear me? - Yes, I can. 很好。我们从两个词开始。稍后你会被要求回忆它们。

 Very well. We"ll begin with two words. You"ll be asked to recall them at a later time. 拇指,鞋子……好吧。

 Thumbs, shoes... Okay. -你叫什么名字?-克洛伊殿。

 - What is your name? - Chloé Temple. -你怎么来的?-我坐火车。

 - How did you get here? - I took the train. -你一个人来的吗?-没有。露西和我一起来了。

 - Did you come alone? - No. Lucy came with me. -露西是谁?-我的妹妹。

 - Who is Lucy? - My sister. -你为什么在这里?-提高我的记忆力。

 - Why are you here? - To improve my memory. -为什么?-我出了车祸。

 - Why? - I was in an accident. -什么时候?-那是三月。

 - When? - It was March. -哪一天…日期吗?-我不记得了。

 - What day... the date? - I can"t remember. 露西的眼睛是什么颜色的?-蓝色。

 - What color are Lucy"s eyes? - Blue. -你在哪里?-克洛伊。

 - Where are you? - Chloé. 在雷德蒙德医生的办公室。

 In Dr. Redmond"s office. 那两个词呢? And the two words? 你姐姐对你独♥立♥生活的能力表示担忧。

 Your sister expresses concern about your ability to live independently. -我觉得她和家人在一起更好。- Chloé,你懂的,对吧? - I think she"s better off with family. - Chloé, you get it, right? -我只是担心你。-我不需要你把我当小孩看 - I"m just worried about you. - I don"t need you to watch me like a child. -这就是我们来这里的原因,寻找替代方案。-我们为您的护理提供了多种选择,Chloé。

 - That"s why we"re here, to find an alternative. - We have a number of options available for your care, Chloé. 我们可以找到一些适合你想要的生活方式的东西。

 We can find something that works with the lifestyle you want to lead.


 It"s not just assisted living anymore. That"s the main reason why you"re here. 其他治疗方法…和关心。

 Alternative means of treatment... and care. 事实上,我们最近开始试验一项新技术,我们已经看到了很多成功。

 In fact, we"ve recent begin trials on a new technology, one that we"ve seen a lot of success with. 鉴于你的病情严重,在你允许的情况下,我们想让你入学 Due to the severity of your condition, we would, with your permission, like to enroll you 为我们开♥发♥的新系统进行试验。一个监控你的需求的系统, on a trial for a new system we"re developing. A system that monitors your needs, 追踪你的药物,在紧急情况下提醒急救人员。

 tracks your medication, alerts first responders in the event of an emergency. 一个不仅能帮助你完成日常任务,还能学习和适应的系统。

 A system that not only assists you with achieving you daily tasks, but learns and adapts. 随着时间的推移,她会制定一个定制的护理计划,她会变成…… Over time she will create a custom care plan, she will become... 你的私人护士,整天工作,每天工作,让你的生活更美好。

 your personal nurse, working all day, every day, to better your life. 你确定吗? Are you sure about this? 克洛伊?玛拉·哈里森,水瓶座病人关系部的主管。

 Chloé? Marla Harrison, Head of Aquarius Patient Relations. 这是 Tom Bergstrom。他是我们新技术的副总裁。

 And this is Tom Bergstrom. He"s our V.P. of new technologies. -很高兴认识你。-很荣幸。

 - Nice to meet you. - It"s a pleasure. -你紧张吗?-小。

 - Are you nervous? - A little. -好吧,这很正常汤姆,你能帮我拿一下行李吗? - Okay, well that is totally normal. - Tom, would you mind grabbing the bags? 哦,当然,玛拉。请随意把 Bag Boy 放在我的新名片上。

 Oh Yeah, sure thing Marla. Feel free to throw Bag Boy on my new business cards. 我等不及要给你看所有的东西。这种方式。

 I can"t wait to show you everything. Right this way. i>拿上袋子,Tom Grab the bags, Tom... 好吧,爆头! Okay, headshot! 我希望这个可以吗? I hope this will do?


 So... I have your three forms of identification. 我需要扫描你的条形码,得到你的手印。

 And, I"ll need to scan your barcode and get your hand print. -你没事吧?你好像有点心不在焉。-我很好。

 - Are you okay? You seem a little distracted. - Yeah, I"m fine. 就像我说的,我们有标准文件,有保密协议,有免责条款,诸如此类。

 As I was saying, we have standard documentation, we have our NDA, we have our liability waiver, that sort of thing. 没有说话。明白了。

 No talking. Got it. 我们只是想确保我们的技术在发射前是保密的。

 We just want to make sure our technology remains confidential until we launch. -这是你第一次测试这个系统吗?-在现实环境中,是的。

 - Is this the first time you"ve tested the system? - In a real world environment, yes. 但别把自己当成测试对象,多把自己当成……更像是一个先锋。

 But think of yourself less as a test subject, and more... more of a pioneer. -你觉得呢?-我去过更糟的地方。

 - What do you think? - I"ve stayed in worse places. -那太好了。-怎么样了? - That"s good to hear. - How"re we doing? 耐心是智慧的大哥。她马上就要上线了,三,二… Patience is the big brother to wisdom. She"s going to be online in 3, 2... 宾果!阿依达现在可以见你了。

 Bingo! Aida will see you now. 她就在那儿。

 There she is. 去做吧。叫醒她。

 Go ahead. Wake her up. 醒来,阿依达。

 Wake up, Aida. 你好。你一定是 Chloé。我期待能帮助你。

 Hello. You must be Chloé. I look forward to assisting you. 问她一些事情。

 Ask her something. -就像什么?-任何东西。

 - Like what? - Anything. 你能放点音乐吗,阿依达?-当然。你想听什么? - Can you play some music, Aida? - Of course. What would you like to hear? -你选择。-谢谢你让我选择,Chloé。

 - You choose. - Thank you for letting me choose, Chloé.

 -我有权限同步你的设备吗?-没事,我们的网络很安全 - Do I have permission to sync with your device? - It"s okay, we"re on a secure network. -是的。-谢谢。同步现在… - Yes. - Thank you. Syncing now... 哇!Chloé,你有一些非常棒的歌♥曲可以选择。

 Wow! Chloé, you have some really great songs to choose from. 这是好吗? Is this good? 现在不是,但过去是。

 Not now, but it was. 好的,太好了,还有什么需要我帮忙的吗,Chloé? Okay, great, is there anything else I can do for you, Chloé? 不是现在。谢谢。

 Not right now. Thanks. 太棒了。有什么需要我帮忙的,请告诉我。

 Wonderful. Let me know how I may be of help. 我们的联♥系♥方式已经输入 Aida 的数据库,如果你有任何问题…之类的。

 Our contact information has been programmed into Aida"s database, should you have any questions... or whatever. 别担心,我们的数据小组会把阿依达传回来的所有信息传回来。这一切都会过去的,所以会很棒的。

 And don"t worry, our data team will be transmitting anything that Aida transmits back to us. There gonna go through all that, so it"s gonna to be great. 我们的技术支持人员可能会过来做一些日常维护,但大多数情况下……只有你和阿依达。

 Our technical support may stop by for just some routine maintenance, but for the most part... it"ll be just you and Aida. -好的。-把阿依达想象成我们的眼睛和耳朵。

 - Okay. - Think of Aida as our eyes and our ears. 如果发生什么事,她会告诉我们的。

 If anything happens, she"ll let us know. 你是不可思议的一部分,记住 Chloé。

 You are a part of something incredible, remember that Chloé. -很高兴见到你。我爱你。-我也爱你。

 - It"s good to see you. I love you. - I love you too. 有什么问题吗?克洛伊? Is there something wrong... Chloé? 不,它很好。谢谢……我不知道。我想只是有点想家。

 No, it"s fine. Thanks... I don"t know. Just a little homesick I guess. 在新环境中感到焦虑是正常的。要知道我一直在你身边。

 It"s normal to feel anxious in a new environment. Know that I am here for you. 我推荐主卧套房♥。

 I recommend the master suite. 服务器的房♥间。访问限制。

 The server room. Access Restricted. 你还不舒服吗? Are you still uncomfortable? 一点。

 A little. 这可能会帮助吗? Might this helps? 我给你点私人空间。

 I will give you some privacy. -不好意思,Chloé?-是吗? - Excuse me, Chloé? - Yes? 我配备了无线充电。我可以给你的设备充电吗? I am equipped with wireless charging. Do I have permission to charge your device? 确定。

 Sure. -对不起,Chloé?-是吗? - Pardon me, Chloé? - Yes? 你想让我开着灯吗? Would you like me to leave a light on? 不,我很好。谢谢。

 No, I"m good. Thanks. -来点白噪音?-确定。

 - Perhaps a little white noise? - Sure. 如果还有什么需要我帮忙的,请告诉我。

 Let me know if there"s anything else I can do for you. 《阿伊达》。

 Aida. 去睡觉。

 Go to sleep. 你该吃药了。

 It"s time for you to take your medication. 喂? Hello? -你一定是 Chloé?-是的,你和水瓶座在一起? - You must be Chloé? - Yeah, and you"re with Aquarius? 有罪。

 Guilty. 是的,我……我必须…… Yeah, I... I have to...

 在 Aida 安装一个新的更新… install a new update in Aida... 我一直想偷偷摸摸的,但是… and I"m trying to be stealthy about all this, but... -对不起,如果我…破坏任何东西。-只是睡觉。

 - I"m sorry if I"m... disrupting anything. - Just sleep. 哦,我看出来了……我不是那个意思…… Oh, I can see that... I didn"t mean it like that... -就像什么?-好吧…… - Like what? - Well that... 我的意思是我们都需要美容觉。并不是说你比别人更需要它…… I mean that we all need our beauty sleep. Not that you need it more than anybody else... 你有一种很自然的…妈的,我会回来的。

 You have a very natural... Fuck, I"ll come back. 9 点,这个时间对你合适吗?-不,不,现在没事。

 - 0900, is that better for you? - No, no, now is fine. -是吗?…好吧。-是的。

 - Yeah? ...Okay. - Yeah. 好吧……好吧!太好了! Okay... okay! That"s great! 所以,是的…让我们啊…… So, yeah... let"s ah... 让我们开始吧! Let"s do it to it! -最先进的房♥子,你还用这些?-都在硬件上了。

 - State-of-the-art home and you still use those? - Oh, it"s all at the hardware. 这是阿依达控制不了的技术。这能确保我们总能进入她的服务器室。

 This is tech that Aida can"t control. It ensures that we always have access to her server room. -看起来有点过时了。-不是年龄的问题,亲爱的,是里程的问题 - It seems a little out-dated though. - Well, it"s not the years, honey, it"s the mileage. 那是保险杠贴纸吗? Is that a bumper sticker? 不,这是来回……这是一部更老的电影,可能比你的时代更早。

 No, it"s fro... it"s from an older movie, probably before your time. -早上好,阿依达-早上好,布鲁斯 - Good morning, Aida. - Good morning, Bruce. 你是来安装最新的更新吗?-不,我是。

 - Are you here to install the latest update? - Oh yes I am. 好了,啊……我一会儿就回来。

 All right, ah... I"ll be back in a bit. -你好吗?-嗨 Chloé,我是 Aida the 人工智能家政助手。

 - Hello? - Hi Chloé, it"s Aida the Artificially Intelligent Domestic Assistant. 是的,我知道……你为什么打电♥话♥给我? Yeah, I know... Why are you calling me? 我感觉到你越来越焦虑所以想谨慎地来看看你。

 I sensed your anxiety increasing and wanted to check in with you, discreetly. -是什么泄露的?-心率和肢体语言。

 - What gave it away? - Your heart rate and ...

推荐访问:Dark Cloud《阴云(2022)》完整中英文对照剧本 阴云 剧本 中英文对照

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