
发布时间:2022-06-25 13:05:03




 英语《周末特长课·趣味字母系列之 special "e" 》教学预案(详案)



 详案 设计者

 陈蒙蒙 课题



 大周周六上午、小周四下午 课时

 二年级第一学期,共 1 课时 教材与学情分析

 二年级的第一学期,学生正在学习 26 个字母的字母名和音名,因此特长课将从特殊的字母组合入手,既与课内知识共鸣,又在此基础上有所拓展。本课时将展开字母 e 和组合-ee 的发音学习,既是回顾了课内知识,又可以学习了解-ee 的字母音,同时也运用一定的拼读规律,让学生们从字母名和字母音的口诀背诵这样的机械式操练,过渡到逐渐习惯字母音名的拼读过程中来。


 1. 知识与技能:①正确发音字母组合-ee 为长元音/


  ②初步掌握字母组合-ee的相关单词的发音,e.g. bee, tree;

  ③初步掌握字母组合-ee 的发音规则。

 2. 过程与方法:①通过文本视听,试着自己捕捉-ee 组合在单词中的发音;



 3. 情感态度与价值观:①感受自然拼读的神奇规律,对陌生事物保持好奇心; ②通过听读校验,培养对学习的耐心和主动性。




 1. 正确发音字母组合-ee 为长元音/

 i:/; 2. 初步掌握字母组合的相关单词的发音,e.g. tree, seed, meet; 3. 对多个字母组合发音展开尝试拼读。


 CAI,paper(for drawing)


 I. Pre-task preparations

 Activity 1: Enjoy the song.

 Guide students sing and dance with music.

 T: Now let’s stand up. Sing and dance.


 Activity 2. Read and match Guide students read the alphabets that might be used in this lesson and match the small letters with the relevant big letters correctly.


  II.While-task procedures

 Activity 1. Listen and answer Ask Ss to watch the video. And think about the sound of letter “e”’ in the video. T: How does the letter “e” sound like? Ss: /e/.

  设计意图:让学生复习 26 个字母的字母音,并从中找出本节课的焦点 letter

 “e”。通过听和看,让学生回忆起字母 e 的音名,为下面-ee 的发音变化做铺垫。

 Activity 2. Look and predict Guide students predict what sound do the letter “e” and its friends will make together. T: What are the letters? How do they sound like?


 Activity 3. Look and answer Ask Ss to watch the video one word by one word and guide them imitate the process of pronunciation. T: So how do the letter “e”, letter “m” sound together? Let’s listen and check.

 设计意图:通过聆听和仿读,帮助学生验证刚刚的发音猜测,同时也是在巩固e 的字母音的发音教学,实践字母拼读的规则。

 Activity 4 Try to read Guide students try to read the work with the structure of “XeX”. T: How do you read the word? Ss:/l/-/e/-/t/, /let/. Then guide students choose the one they want to read and put them together before reading. T: You can move any part of the words and recombine them again. Try to read it.


 Activity 5. Watch and answer Guide students watch the video with the questions that “How many ‘e’s?” and “How does it sound like?” T: Now let’s listen and answer the question.

 设计意图:通过问题引导,帮助学生有目的地观看视频,尤其要留意 e 的组合变化和变化后的字母组合发音。

  Activity 6. Check and learn Ask Ss to answer the questions. T: How many “e”s? Ss: Two “e”s. T: How does it sound like? Ss: /i:/. T: OK. Now let’s check. We heard the words bee, tree and three. They both have the sound /i:/. Guide students provide much more words with “-ee” part.


 II. Post-task activities

 Activity 1. Try to read Guide students read the word in the structure of “Xee”. T: Can you read? Ss: /b/-/i:/, bee.

 Guide students read the word in the structure of “XeeX”. T: Can you read? Ss: /d/-/i:/-/p/, deep.

 Guide students read the word in the structure of “sheeX”. T: Can you read? Ss: /ʃ /-/i:/-/p/, sheep.


 Activity 2. Exploration: Try to read Challenge students to read the long word with complex structure. T: Do you know how to read the long word correctly? We separate them and read. After this, we combine each part together again and read it. Guide students separate the long word and try to read by themselves. Check the answer by watching the video.



 1. Read the words with your partner; 2. Draw the favourite word on the paper.


推荐访问:周末特长课之趣味字母之special e公开课 特长 公开课 趣味

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