
发布时间:2022-06-26 12:25:03





 字数: 不低于 100 字并且不高于 500 字

 满分: 100


 For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students Should Take Part in Social Practice following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1、 很多大学生缺乏社会实践 2、 大学生应该参加社会实践 3、 我的观点 范 文 : According to a survey, in recent years, many universities ignored the phenomenon that college students did not have enough chance to take part in social practice leaded to they lacked the ability to adapt to society in the future. When we asked college students whether they had engaged in social practice, most of them said no. I take it for granted that social practice can bring many benefits to college student. In the first instance, social practice can offer students adequate chance to meet various people in society. They can accumulate enough experience and use it in the future career. The second thing that must be taken into consideration is that it is a great opportunity for them put theory into practice and improve their In a word, I take the attitude that social practice is a critical thing for university students and they should also learn how to balance between study and work.

  标题:Five(Three) Famous Symbols of Chinese Culture 字数: 不低于 100 字并且不高于 500 字

 满分: 100


 字数 200 字左右,须有中心,围绕一个中心选取三至五个具有中国特征的事物描写 As we know, China is one of the countries with the longest history of ancient civilization in the world. Our ancestors made a contribution to our country even world with a wealth of cultural legacy.

 One of the famous symbols of Chinese Culture is the Yellow River. It is the second longest river in China and considered as Mother river of Chinese individual. It is generally recognized that Huang Di was born here and Nu Wa was made by mud from Yellow River.

 Chinese knot is also a famous symbol in culture. Our ancestors used it to record things but now it is mainly used for decoration in the Favorite Spring. It must be emphasized that Chinese knot represents love, harmony and marry.

 The last symbol that must be taken into consideration is The Great Wall. The Great Wall was built by ordinary people to avoid other countries attacking ourselves at the beginning. It is called as world miracle was made by intelligent individual.

 The Yellow River, Chinese knot and The Great Wall, represents Chinese outstanding culture and it is just a part of the Chinese excellent culture. I hope everyone from the world could learn

 the acknowledgeable about Chinese culture.

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