
发布时间:2022-06-27 16:55:03




 studying abroad 大作文学生习作原文

 --- 感谢暑假班的某位同学

 First Draft & First Proof Read


 Nowday, as much people know how important study abroad by increased availability, expecially in language. In China, every school open the English course, start at infant school. As part of student choice go abroad study, they can broaden their horizons, knowledge of culture and learn survival skills. 请找出其中的错误, 并提出修改建议。

 第一段词句 修 改及翻 译 :



  much people

 know how important

  study abroad

 by increased

 availability, expecially

 in language. 当今由于出国留学越来越普及


 很多人意识到出国留学的重要性 ,

 特 别 是外语学习 。





 the importance

 of overseas study due

 to its

 increasing availability, especially

 language education. In China,


 school open the English course, start at infant school. 在中国从幼儿园开始每个学校都开设英语课。

 。In China, every school has English course, starting from infant school. As part of student choice go abroad study, they can broaden their horizons, knowledge of culture and learn survival skills.


 。As part of students ’choice of going abroad, they can also

 broaden their horizons, learn knowledge of culture and survival skills.


 students go to other countries travel or study is a good decision. The world outside is different than before, it can open-minded. This study abroad experience will impact the future also it’s benefit by personality. 请找出其中的错误,并提出修改建议。

 第二段词句修改及翻译 :

 students go to other countries travel or study is a good decision.


 。It is a good decision for students to go to other countries for the purpose of travelling or study. The world outside is different than before, it can open-minded.


 Students could be more open-minded because of the difference they encounter in the outside world. This study abroad experience

 will impact the future also it ’s benefit by personality. 这样的出国经历会影响他们的将来,对他们的性格也有好处 。

 This overseas experience will shape their future, and benefit their personality development.

 第三段 :

 A country like a big group, include place, people and culture. When students go to another country, they meet different types of


 and different culture. They

 should respect



 also they can learn different words, becoming more social. Study abroad not only study knowledge, how to survival is another subject. Some of school opens the course called survival skills, but that is a small part of learning survival, the most part is in the life activities. In China, most family have only one child, this child got all love from the whole family memory, they


 spoil and now they going to the new place, no friend, no families, the first lesson is how to be independence, that is a kind of survival skills, for example cooking, washing clothes, live with others, this is the best way to grew up. 请找出其中的错误,并提出修改建议。

 第三段词句修改及翻译:A country like a big group, include place, people and culture. 一个国家就像一个大集体,有不同的地方,人和文化。

 A country is like a big group, including different places, people and cultures. When students go to another country, they meet different types of people and different culture. 当学生来到另一个国家的时候,他们会接触到不同的人和文化。

 When students go to another country, they will meet different types of people and culture.

 They should respect the culture, also they can learn different words, becoming more social. 他们应该尊重不同的文化 , 而且他们可以学到不同的语言,变得更善于社交。

 They should respect other cultures and they could learn different words, becoming more sociable. 海 外

 留学生不但可以学到知识,生存能力也是重要的一课 。

 Study abroad not only study knowledge, how to survival is another subject.

 Besides studying knowledge, students would also learn how to survive.

 Some of school opens the course called survival skills, but that is a small part of learning survival, the most part is in the life activities.

  有些学校会开设生存技能课 , 但这仅是生存技能学习的一小部分 , 大部分因

 该来源于日常生活 。

 Some schools open the survival skill course, but I believe this is just a small part of learning survival skills. The major part

 of survival




 be done through real life activities. In China, most family have only one child, this child got all love from the whole family memory, they become spoil and now they going to the new place, no friend, no families, the first lesson is how to be independence, that is a kind of survival skills, for example cooking, washing clothes, live with others, this is the best way to grew up.


 他会得到来自所有家人的爱,会被宠坏。现在他如果去一个新的地方,没有朋友,没有家人,第一课就 要

 学会如何独立,这也是一种生存技能。比如做饭,洗衣服,如何与 人




 In china, most families have only one child, and this child gets all the


 from the whole

  family members and therefore they become spoiled. If they go to new places without

 friends and families,

  they have

  to learn how to be independent as their first lesson, such as cooking, washing clothes,

 and living with others. And I believe this is the best way to grow up.

  第四段 :In the other hand, go abroad study is immersed in English, Chinese education steeped in rote learning and test-oriented, not to mention that stifle creativity. Homesick is always happening in those students and the expensive school expenditure, study abroad only rich family could choice, hopely it will be changed in

 the future

 social development.

 In conclusion,


 is benefit for the students to

  study abroad. 请找出其中的错误,并提出修改建议。




  other hand, go abroad study

 is immersed in English, Chinese education steeped in rote learning and test-oriented, not to mention that stifle creativity. Homesick is always happening in those

 students and

 the expensive


 expenditure, study abroad only rich family could choice, hopely it will be changed in the future social development. 另一方面,虽然出国留学给他们带来全英语的环境 , 毕竟中国教育太过侧重死记硬背和应试教育 , 这还

 会阻碍学生的创造力,但身在异乡,他们会很想家,而且学费昂贵 ,




 变 。On

 the other hand, overseas

 students would

 be immersed in English in order to



 language efficiently, because Chinese education steeps in rote learning and is test-oriented, not to mention

 the fact that it also stifles creativity. But

  these students might feel homesick and can not afford the expensive school expenditure.

 So only rich

 family could

 choose to

 do so

 and hopefully,

 it will

  be changed in the future social development. In conclusion, it is benefit for the students to study abroad. 总的来说,出国留学对学生还是很有益的。

 In conclusion, it is beneficial for the students to study abroad.

  studying abroad 大作文学生习作结构修改

 --- 第二次修改

 second draft

 第一段:当今由于出国留学越来越普及 及, 很多人意识到出国留学的重要性, , 特别是外语学习。


 在中国从幼儿园开始每个学校都开设英语课 。








 他会得到来自所有家人的爱,会被宠坏。现在他如果去一个新的地方,没有朋友,没有家人,第一课就要学会如何独立,这 也是一种生存技能。






 第五段:总的来说,出国留学对 家境富裕或比较独立的学生来说 还是



 abroa 大 d d


 proof read 2


 Nowadays, many people know the importance of overseas study due to its increased availability, especially language education.

 In China, every school has English course, starting from infant school. As part of students ’ choice of going abroad, they can also broaden

 their horizons, learn knowledge of culture and survival skills. Therefore, I agree with the view that students should be encouraged to further their studies in a foreign country. 第一段表明观点


 It is a good decision for students to go to other countries for the purpose of travelling or study. 本段分论点:了解不同文化Students could be more open-minded because of the difference they encounter in the outside world. This overseas experience will shape their future, and benefit their personality development. A country is like

 a big group, including different

 places, people and cultures. When students go to another country, they will meet different types of people and culture. They should respect other cultures and they could learn different words, becoming more sociable.


 Besides studying knowledge, students would also learn how to survive. 本段分论点:学会生存技能



 open the survival skill course, but I believe this is just a small part of learning survival

 skills. The major

 part of survival

 skill learning should

 be done through real life activities. In china, most families have only one child, and this child gets all the love from the whole family members and therefore they become spoiled.

  If they go to new places without friends and

 families, they have


 learn how to

 be independent


 their first lesson, such as cooking, washing clothes, and living with others. And I believe this is the best way to grow up.


 On the other hand,

 本段分论点 :


 overseas stude...

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