
发布时间:2022-06-28 20:15:02




 Please engage in a critical ( original and independent ) discussion of the significance of the Renaissance with respect to its influence on the later development of social and economic and intellectual conditions in the West . 请就文艺复兴对西方社会、经济和智力状况后期发展的影响 进行批判性( 原创性和独立性) 的讨论。

 The development of social and economic and intellectual conditions was all made by human , so the basis of these development is human . And the basis of human is thinking . So , before we focus on some specific aspects, I think the first thing we need to discuss is the development of human’s thinking . In Renaissance , for the first time , people became aware of the importance of the individual man , and wanted to pursue knowledge ,freedom and happiness according to their own desire. Such awareness continued to inspire their creative work , and the humanism spirit and creative spirit have a lasting influence on the later development of social and economic and intellectual conditions in the West . We can try to image that after the dark Middle Ages , bourgeoisie emerged , people can enjoy a higher standard of living , so without the worry of food and clothes , as a person, people began to pursue their own happiness in secular life.

 Social ideology changed ,new ideology based on individual interests and characteristic of individualism .The humanism spirit make people no longer absolutely trust in theological spiritual ideas claimed by Catholic Church . One of the typical represents is the Religious Reformation .The Renaissance is closely related to the Reformation .In essence , the Reformation is a Socio-political Movement of the bourgeoisie .The Reformation have made a heavy blow to the Catholic Church and have greatly liberated people"s minds. It changed people’s religious life .The Renaissance and the Reformation both made great contribution to the social and intellectual development of Western civilization. However , it also has some negative impacts . Humanists believed man is the central of everything : literature should represent the feelings of ordinary humans ; science should produce benefits for mankind ; education should develop individual personality and free feelings and intelligence from divine bondage .Because humanists overemphasize the development of individuality and oppose the imprison of human nature by Christianity, they demand indulgence in morality and concept, and oppose self-restraint, which to a certain extent weakens people"s moral consciousness and indulges human nature. Leading to the radicalization of individualism.

 The Renaissance Movement also have a great influence on Western economy .As a ideological liberation movement to carry forward the new bourgeois culture,the Renaissance laid a deep foundation for the early capitalist germination and development in the process of spreading, and at the same time accumulated the primitive wealth for the early bourgeoisie , which provides a background of bourgeois revolution in 17 th

 and 18 th

 century . In Renaissance , capitalism had a great development , from that time , the west became capitalistic . In Renaissance , the bourgeoisie has completed the primitive accumulation of capital ,which laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution . From a negative side ,humanism spirit also reflect on the economical condition.The overemphasis of human make people more selfish , and keen on pursuing material enjoyment .

 In Renaissance,the rebirth of literature and art also promoted the development of Western intellectual conditions.The desire to pursue happiness led to the prosperity of literature and art and science .In the dark Middle Ages , almost all the art works is used to portray religious beliefs , and one of its function is to preach , and then consolidate the control of divine power . But in Renaissance , the people tend to use art works to reflect secular life . So in Western Art history , Renaissance is a milestone. In Renaissance , great achievements was made in many fields , including art ,literature , architecture and natural science . Lots of famous people emerged , some of them have significant influence to modern society , such as Leonardo Da Vinci , Michelangelo , Raphael ,Dante ,Petrarch , Boccaccio , Shakespeare . Their works ,such as Mona Lisa ,David , The School of Athens ,The Divine Comedy , Song Book ,etc .Those fabulous paintings , frescoes , sculptures and literary works still shine today . Most of the works created during the Renaissance revolved around a theme——reality and humanity, and mainly reflects secular life. Besides , natural science also had great development in Renaissance. The Renaissance restored the value of reason, dignity, and thought, it promoted the birth and development of modern natural science.The "scientific revolution" of the Renaissance took astronomy and medicine as the breakthrough point, broke down the authority view which people had been superstitious for a long time and had religious wisdom, set up the rational spirit of science, It laid a foundation for the emergence of modern western mathematics, physics, philosophy and so on. The positive influence of the Renaissance like the rediscovery of lost or obscure texts and the increased emphasis on the study of language and the correct reading of texts ,was also have an important position in the history of human social development .Some scientific breakthrough make people have a rational and logical knowledge of the world and nature ,rather than in an theological opinion . The new Humanist spirit and the Renaissance spread north to all parts of Europe , aided by the invention of printing , which allowed literacy to flourish and the availability of classical texts to proliferate .

 But i think it also have some limitations , humanists favored human-centered subjects like politics and history over study of natural philosophy or applied mathematics. Of course I’m not saying there is no development of applied subjects , what I actually means is just liberal arts developed better than applied subjects. Given all that , we should use a dialectic perspective to view the influence of the Renaissance , it has promoted the development of world culture, promoted the awakening of the people, and made necessary ideological and cultural preparation for the development of capitalism . Because of the Renaissance , people get free from the bondage of religious power ,they shifted focus on secular life . The ancient Greek culture and Roman culture had been restored ,and have a further development . Meanwhile , we also can’t ignore it’s negative impacts . In the process of its communication, the Renaissance overstressed the value of human beings, caused the expansion of personal selfish desire, the proliferation of material enjoyment and extravagance . All in all,the Renaissance was a great movement in western history,it is precious wealth to mankind .

推荐访问:文艺复兴对西方社会、经济和智力状况后期发展影响 文艺复兴 智力 后期

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