
发布时间:2022-06-29 11:00:03




 第 1 页 共 24 页 2022 年中考英语热点话题作文与范文精选汇编

 梦想 习总书记说: “让每个青少年都为实现中国梦增添强大青春能量。”中考即将到来,每个同学都在为实现自己的梦想而努力奋斗着。为了实现你的中考梦,你打算怎么做? 请你以 “My dream, my future ”为题,写一篇英语短文。

 内容包括: 1 .简单描述你现在的学习情况。

 2 .为了实现你的中考梦,你需要做哪些方面的努力?( 至少 2 点) 3 .呼吁大家一起为中考加油! 作文要求:

 1 .不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。

 2 .语句连贯,词数 80 左右。作文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

 参考词汇: 中考 senior high school entrance examination

 My dream, my future I’m a Grade 9 student now. The senior high school entrance examination is coming. I’m busy getting ready for it every day, such as reading aloud in the morning, finishing lots of exercises and so on. It’s my dream to go to high school. To achieve my dream, I have some plans. First, I’ll listen to my teachers carefully in class. Every lesson is important, so I can’t miss any point. Second, I need to finish my homework on time. It’s a good way to check what I have learned and how I have learned it. Finally, it’s necessary to pay attention to my physical and mental health, which are important for me to face the big challenge. With every effort, I hope my dream will come true soon. Let’s work hard to fight for a bright future.

 人要有梦想,有了梦想才会努力拼搏,人生才更有意义。某英文网站正在开展以 “On the Way to My Dream ”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你的梦想是什么,在逐梦道路上有 过什么特殊经历,以及你的感受。


 difficult , help , achieve, success 提示问题:• What ’s your dream? • •What ’s your special experience?

 第 2 页 共 24 页 • •What do you think of it? On the Way to My Dream Everyone has a dream. So do I. My dream is to be a teacher. When I was a primary student, I was not good at English. Reading and writing were very difficult for me. Luckily, my English teacher encouraged me to be confident and helped me a lot. I practiced reading and writing during the whole year. Finally, with his help, I did better in English and achieved success. From then on, I made up my mind to be a teacher like him. I hope to influence students in their life, too. Now I will keep going and try my best to realize my dream.


  Sunshine School 为了倡导青少年有梦想,有行动,成为社会有用之人,请根据以下提示,从给出的要点中选 择四个方面,写一篇英文短文,参加征稿活动。


 1. 语意连贯,层次清楚,书写规范。

 2. 表达中请勿提及真实的姓名与校名。

 3. 词数 90 左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

  Be a strong Chinese teenager A strong China needs strong teenagers. It’s our duty to improve ourselves. I think we have lots of things to do.

 First, we should learn to be honest and thankful. We should take interest in our study and we must work hard. We should have good study methods, going over what we have learnt in time. Third, we can spend our weekends doing some volunteering work at our community center or in the old People’s Home. It’s meaningful for us to do something for others. If we follow these, we will be strong enough to realize our dreams.


 “凡事预则立,不预则废。” 某英文网站正在开展主题为“做一个有准备的人”的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈是什么经历让你意识到准备的重要性,以及你从中获得的益处。

 提示词语:competition, worried, improve, confidence, proud

 第 3 页 共 24 页 提示问题:What experience taught you the importance of preparation? Please describe it.

 What benefits have you got from the experience? Being prepared is important. I’ve learned it through my experience in the spelling competition last year. Never a straight A student, I was worried that I couldn’t bear the hard work needed in the first place. However, I devoted myself to the preparation, working on the difficult words. My vocabulary improved day by day. When the competition began, I was calm and confident. Words flowed naturally out of my lips. I won the competition, which was something I could never even dreamed of before. The benefits of the experience are not only about honor and pride. More importantly, I’ve learned to break free from the negative thoughts and self-doubt deep inside. I’ve also realized that being prepared works miracles. All we have to do is to get fully prepared for whatever challenges that come along.

 未来生活的设想 从嫦娥奔月到中国神州系列宇宙飞船成功发射,我们正一步步将梦想变成 现实。随着科技的发展,未来人们生活会发生很大变化。某英文网站正开展以“未来的生活”为主题的征文活动。请根据以下图文提示写一篇英语短文投稿,谈谈你对未来生活的设想。词数 80 左右。

 Life in the Future With the development of science and technology, life in the future will be quite different. The environment will be nicer. The trees will be greener and rivers will be clearer. There is no heavy traffic any more on the earth. Buildings like houses, hospitals will be built in other planets or under the sea.So there is enough space for people on the earth.

 Robots will do dangerous and hard work instead of human beings. They make people have more time to relax and enjoy their lives. The clothes that we wear will change their colors and styles according to the weather and our moods . We’ll have easier and more convenient lives in the future.

 第 4 页 共 24 页

  更好的自己 作为新时 代的青少年,我们应当以“终身运动者”、“责任担当者”、“问题解决者”和“优雅生活者”为目标不断提升自己。现校英语网站以“How to Be a Better Person ”为话题开展征文活动,请你从中学生的角度用英文写一篇短文,谈谈你的做法。


 1. 健康生活(运动;……)(1-2points) 2. 牢记责任(照顾父母;……)(1-2points) 3. 不怕挑战(尽力解决问题;……)(1-2points) 4. 美好品德(乐于助人;……) (1-2points) 要求:1. 内容须包含以上全部要点,语 句通顺,意思连贯; 2. 词数 100 个左右; 3. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。

 How to Be a Better Person As a middle school student, I should try my best to be a better person. I think I should do the following things. First of all, it’s important to live healthily. I will do exercise every day to stay healthy. I will also eat more vegetables and fruit instead of junk food. What’s more, it’s my responsibility to take good care of my parents. When I have the ability to give back to the society, I’ll do what I can to help the weak. Besides, I will not be afraid to face difficulties or challenges any more and try my best to solve problems in life and study. I will never give up trying. Last but not least, it is necessary to be ready to help others. Furthermore, I will always be honest to myself and other people. I think the most important thing is to be a useful person. If I start to develop these good habits, I believe I will become a better person and make a difference to the world. How to Be a Better Person As a middle school student, I should try my best to be a better person. I think I should do the following things. First of all, we should have a healthy life. We should eat well, take more exercise and have enough sleep. Second, we should not be afraid of challenges. We must try our best to solve the problems in our study and life. Third, we should be kind and be ready to help others. We should get on well with others. Finally, we should keep the responsibilities in mind. We should take care of parents and help the weak.

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 双减政策 国务院颁布了“双减”政策,旨在减轻义务教育阶段学生课业负担,同时提质增效。某英文报就此将举办“双减时代如何提高学习效率”的征文比赛。请根据以下要点写一篇英语短文参赛。词数 80 左右。

 参考词汇:efficiency (效率); double reduction police (双减政策)

 With the double reduction policy, we have less homework to do. Learning efficiency is becoming more important. First, good learning methods can help us learn well. It’s necessary to preview and review the lessons. Remember to take notes in class. Don’t be shy to ask questions. Besides,good habits like sleeping well at night and doing sports keep you active during the day. Keeping a diary is also a good way. Last, we should do more reading after class. Reading makes us wise men. We’ll learn more if we discuss with others after reading. The double reduction policy provides us with more time to learn. With proper learning methods and good habits, learning will be effective and interesting.


  词数在 100 个左右,短文已给出部分不计入总词数; 相关词汇:双减 Double Reduction

  政策 policy

 As the Double Reduction policy has been carried out, we have changed a lot this term. We don’t have too much homework every day. And we needn’t go to after-school classes, for we have another two classes after school. In my opinion, the policy is good for us. We have enough time to process new knowledge now. We have more chances to do experiments and learn from real life. This is a much better way to learn things than just hitting the books. We can also spend more time taking part in clubs and activities. In order to get used to the new policy, I will make good use of the time at school, listen to our teachers carefully and take notes in class. I plan to finish our homework more effectively. And I also want to do some housework or volunteer work to develop some useful life skills. In a word, the policy makes our life more interesting and relaxing.

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 劳动教育课 近年来,国家越来越重视中小学生的劳动教育,要求各学校对学生进行热爱劳动、热爱劳动人民的教育,假如你是 Sigmund ,请阅读初三学生林涛的求助信,根据来内容用英文写一封回信,帮助解决问题。

 Dear Sigmund, I hear that our government now pays much attention to education on the hard-working spirit among students in China. Students should get basic working ability for their life and their own development. However, as a Grade Nine student, I spend so much time on my study that I seldom do any housework at home or voluntary work in society. I want to be an excellent student to develop the hard-working spirit. Can you tell me what I can do both in and out of the school? I’m looking forward to your reply.


 Lin ...

推荐访问:2022年中考英语热点话题作文与例文汇编(实用,必备!) 例文 热点 英语

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