
发布时间:2022-06-30 11:55:04






 Key Findings




 Social Mobility: What It Is and Why it Matters


 The Negative Impact of Low Social Mobility on Economic Growth,

 Inequality and Social Cohesion

  11 Structure of this Report

 13 Benchmarking Social Mobility: The Global Social Mobility Index


 Conceptual Framework

 14 Pillar 1: Health

 15 Pillars 2–4: Education Access, Quality and Equity

 16 Pillar 5: Technology Access

 16 Pillars 6–8: Fair Work Opportunities

  17 Pillars 9–10:

 Social Protection & Efficient Institutions


 Global Findings

  19 A: Overall Global Findings


 B: Selected Country Analysis


 Using Big Data to Track Inequalities


 Addressing Unequal Footing in Social Capital

 27 Fair Work Across Industries and Occupations

 27 Conclusions: Implications for a New Economic Agenda

  30 Improving Health Outcomes

 30 Improving Education Access and Quality, and Embracing

 Lifelong Learning

  30 Enhancing Social Protection

 31 Reforming Taxation and the mix of public spending

 31 The Role of Businesses



  33 References

  34 Economy Profiles

  37 Appendix A: Estimating the Opportunity Cost of Low Social Mobility

 202 Appendix B: Methodology and Technical Notes


 A. Computation and Composition of the Social Mobility Index


  B. Computation of Progress Scores and Frontier Values

 207 Contributors and Acknowledgements


  Klaus Schwab

  Globalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution have generated great benefits to society, raising the living standards of billions and lifting millions out of poverty. But they have also exacerbated inequalities in our societies. Inequality is rising even in those countries that have experienced rapid growth. The social and economic consequences of inequality are profound and far-reaching: a growing sense of unfairness, precarity, perceived loss of identity and dignity, weakening social fabric, eroding trust in institutions, disenchantment with political processes, and an erosion of the social contract. The response must include a concerted effort to create new pathways to socioeconomic mobility, ensuring everyone has fair opportunities for success. In this context, the World Economic Forum launches The Global Social Mobility Report 2020 to provide a much- needed assessment of the current state of the paths to social mobility around the world. Traditionally, social mobility is measured across generations, thus only capturing the effect of measures taken decades ago. The Global Social Mobility Index focuses on those policies, practices and institutions that collectively determine the extent to which everyone in society has a fair chance to fulfil their potential, regardless of their socio-economic background, the origin of their parents, or the place where they were born. The launch of the report coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Forum’s Annual Meeting taking place this year under the theme “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World” and the start of a decade of delivery towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the

 2030 development agenda. The results of the inaugural edition reveal that, on average, most economies are far from providing fair conditions to thrive to all their citizens. An individual’s chances in life remain disproportionately influenced by their starting point—their socio-economic status at birth—resulting in economies and societies that too often reproduce rather than reduce historic inequalities. It is the calling of this new decade—one in which there is more transparency than ever before on who has opportunity and who does not—to make progress on the pathways to social mobility. At the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society over 200 leaders from business, government and civil society work together to deepen their understanding of complex issues, shape new standards, and drive collaborative action for systemic change on three deeply interconnected areas which all impact social mobility: growth and competitiveness; education, skills and work; and equality and inclusion. We invite more leaders to join us to co-shape new solutions to the challenges highlighted in this report, working together with the urgency and ambition that the current context demands of us. On behalf of the Forum, I want to express my gratitude to the core project team involved in the production of this report: Thierry Geiger, Guillaume Hingel, Vesselina Ratcheva, Saadia Zahidi, as well as other colleagues from the Platform for Shaping the Future of the New Economy and Society. My gratitude also goes to the experts consulted in the course of this project, as well as LinkedIn, Burning Glass Technologies and ADP LLC for providing unique data sets and expertise to create this report. The Global Social Mobility Report 2020 is designed to help policy-makers, business leaders and other stakeholders shape their socio-economic strategies in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We hope it will also serve as a call to action to engage in the visionary and bold leadership required to build a new social mobility agenda for growing, sustainable and inclusive economies that provide opportunity for all.


  The World Economic Forum’s Global Social Mobility Index provides a new, holistic assessment of 82 global economies according to their performance on five key dimensions of social mobility distributed over 10 pillars: 1. Health; 2. Education (access, quality and equity, lifelong learning); 3. Technology; 4. Work (opportunities, wages, conditions); 5. Protection and Institutions (social protection and inclusive institutions). Economies with greater




 more equally shared opportunities—namely, an


 and meritocratic footing irrespective of socio-economic background, geographic location, gender or origin. There is a direct and linear relationship between a country’s income inequality and its social mobility score on the index. Low social mobility entrenches historical inequalities and higher

 income inequalities fuel lower social mobility. Enhancing

 social mobility can convert this vicious cycle into a virtuous

 one and has positive benefits on broader economic growth. The Global Social Mobility Index equips policy-makers

 with a tool to identify areas for improving social mobility

 and promoting equally shared opportunities for the entirety

 of their citizens, regardless of their development stage. The

 index is supplemented by a deep dive into the situation in

 the United States, through innovative metrics developed in

 partnership between the World Economic Forum and three

 private sector companies which hold unique data sets and

 provide new insights into the distribution of advantages and disadvantages across the population.

 Key findings include:

  Global momentum is needed on tackling inequality through a new social mobility agenda. The Global Social Mobility Index shows that very few economies have the right conditions to foster social mobility and consequently income inequalities have become entrenched. On average, across key developed and developing economies, the top 10% of earners have nearly 3.5 times the income of the bottom 40%.

 The Nordics and







 of the world. The countries that provide their populations with most equally shared opportunities are mostly Nordic economies: Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland. Among the 82 economies ranked by our index, Germany ranks 11th, France ranks 12th, Canada ranks 14th, Australia ranks 16th, Japan ranks 15th, the United Kingdom ranks 21st, the United States ranks 27th, the Russian Federation ranks 39th, China ranks 45th , Saudi Arabia ranks 52nd, Turkey ranks 64th, Mexico ranks 58th, India ranks 76th and South Africa ranks 77th.

 Low wages, lack of social protection and poor lifelong learning systems are the greatest challenges globally. Most countries underperform on three critical dimensions. The average score of the Fair Wages pillar is 52.5 out of 100, the lowest average among all pillars of the index, with these results underscored by particularly poor performance in prevalence of low pay. The average score of the Social Protection pillar is 58.2 out of 100, which highlights deficiencies in coverage and limited funding of social safety mechanisms across countries covered in our


 The average score of the Lifelong Learning pillar is 57.0, underscored by a relatively low percentage of firms offering formal training and poor access to training for unemployed workers. The







 in the right







 substantial. If countries included in this report were to increase their social mobility index score by 10 points, this would result in an additional GDP growth of 4.41% by 2030 in addition to vast social cohesion benefits. The existence of pockets of over- and under-performance in each region suggests that there is little determinism across regional and income groups. Proactive efforts by government and business can enhance the ability of economies to foster social mobility and ensure that every child, young person and adult has a reason to believe in the prospect of a better future. Countries that adhere to the “stakeholder capitalism” model tend to perform better than countries with a focus on “shareholder value maximization” or “state capitalism”.

 A new financing model for social mobility is necessary through taxation but must be complemented by a new

  mix of spending and tailored approaches. Many policies designed to address social mobility require both additional public resources through taxation and a different mix of public spending on the key drivers of social mobility. Fiscal policy can maximize the impact of redistribution through careful design of how resources are allocated to different groups, geographical areas and types of spending. Improving tax progressivity on personal income, policies that address wealth accumulation and broadly re-balancing the sources of taxation can support the social mobility agenda.








推荐访问:2020年全球社会流动指数:为什 么经济会从消除不平等中受益(英文) 英文 不平等 受益

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