
发布时间:2022-07-03 12:40:04




 抱歉让大家等着 但相信我 这是值得的 Sorry to keep you all waiting, but trust me, this is gonna be worth it. 我们可以在餐厅放台球桌了? We"re getting a pool table in the mess hall. 不 No. 上面委派我们到 35 号♥哨站接克里斯蒂中将 We"ve been assigned to pick up Vice Admiral Christie from Outpost 35 然后送他去和克里尔的星舰碰头 and then transport him to rendezvous with a Krill vessel. 到那里后 中将会开始谈判 Once there, the Admiral will begin negotiations 争取让行星联盟能够访问纳克拉夫区 to allow Union access to the Naklav Sector. 那是在克里尔空域的另一侧 That"s on the other side of Krill space. 没错 联盟的星舰一直没有去那里的通道 Correct. Union ships have never had a conduit. 现在就快有了 Until now. 早期迹象表明 如果条约谈判进展顺利 Early indications are that, with treaty negotiations going smoothly, 克里尔人可能会愿意放行 the Krill may be willing to permit passage, which means... 这意味着整个未知空域 将会向我们敞开大门 entire regions of unexplored space are gonna be wide open. 他觉得克里尔人信得过吗? Does he believe we can trust them? 问题就在这 克里斯蒂是联盟的顶级外交官之一 That"s the word. Christie"s one of the top Union diplomats. 丁乔和平协议就是他谈判的 He was the guy who negotiated the Din"jon Accords. 如果谈判成功的话 我们能参与未知空域的探索吗? So if this all goes through, will we be able to get in on it? 我们是拉克瓦协定的牵头者 Well, we were the ones who shepherded the Lock Vai pact, 而且我们的星舰是探索舰 and we are an exploration vessel,

 所以我们参与探索的可能性很大 so I would say our odds are pretty good. 医生?

 Doctor. 你还好吗? You okay? 我没事 我只是昨晚没睡好 Oh, I... I"m fine. I just didn"t sleep well last night. 有什么问题吗? Any questions? 戈登 设定航向 -是 长官 Gordon, set a course. - Aye, sir. 芬恩医生? Dr. Finn? 中将 -哇 别拘束 这么正式干嘛? Admiral. - Whoa, at ease. What"s with the formality? 在中将面前立正是基本的礼仪 Standing at attention in the presence of an admiral is Protocol 101. 我可以进去吗?还是说我得预约? Well, can I come in, or do I need to make an appointment? 不需要预约 No appointment necessary. 好久不见 It"s been a long time. 确实很久了 It really has. 见到你太好了 It"s amazing to see you. 还有这里 你有自己的医务室了 And this... your own sickbay. 我就知道你一定会有大作为 I always knew you"d be successful, 但没想到你能当上 联盟星舰的首席医务官 but Chief Medical Officer on a Union starship? 天啊 一定有出色的教授带过你 Boy, you must"ve had some top-notch professors. 确实有一两个 One or two. 我这个教授为你感到非常自豪 Well, this one is very proud of you. 谢谢 长官 Thank you, sir. 行啦 叫我保罗 Please, it"s Paul.

 保罗中将 Admiral Paul. 能当中将 我和你一样惊讶 Well, I"m as shocked about that as you are. 我完全不惊讶 你总是有一颗热爱探索的心 Oh, I"m not shocked at all. You always had the heart of an explorer. 你离开大学 立足宇宙只是时间问题而已 It was only a matter of time before you left the university for the universe. 现在我大部分时间都是坐在桌子后面办公 Well, most of my time now is spent behind a desk, 所以每当有这种出行任务时 我都会奋勇当先 so whenever a mission like this comes along, I jump at the chance. 我得承认 在船员名单上看到你的名字后

 And I must admit, seeing your name on the crew manifest 我就更按奈不住了 gave me a little extra incentive. 你看上去精神很好 时间对你很温柔 Well, you look healthy. Time"s been good to you. 外表上也许确实有精神 Maybe on the outside. 但有句话说 “未婚的男人外表年轻 心态老” But you know what they say: unmarried men look younger, feel older. 你还是那么漂亮 You"re as beautiful as ever. 你还是等见到克里尔人再释放魅力吧 Save your charm for the Krill. 他们可不好说话 You"re gonna need it. 说到这个 Speaking of which, 我安排好了给你们的舰长 介绍明天的谈判情况 I"m scheduled to brief your Captain on tomorrow"s negotiations. 在那之后我们一起用晚餐怎么样? How about we get some dinner afterward? 分开这么多年 我有很多话要聊 Got a lot of years to catch up on. 真不巧 我答应了我的孩子今晚待在家 Actually, I promised my kids I"d stay home tonight 和他们一起看电影 and watch a movie with them. 你…你有孩子?

 You, uh... you have kids? 两个男孩 Two boys. - Um... 我想见见他们 I"d love to meet them. 也许我们最好只专注于手头的工作 Maybe it"s best if we just stay focused on the job at hand. 这次的工作存在很多风险 There"s a lot at stake here, 我觉得你和我最好都不要分心 and I don"t think either of us need any distractions. 好 我不想给你压力 Right. I didn"t mean to push. 我只是很高兴再见到你 I was just excited to see you again. Um... 不管怎样 这句话也许迟了 25 年 但我想说… for what it"s worth... it may be 25 years too late, but... 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. 我不想耽误你开情况介绍会 I don"t want to keep you from your briefing. 好 Right. 不要分心 No distractions. 我无法理解这次聚会的意义 I fail to see the purpose of this gathering. 举办外交接待会是地球的老传统 Well, diplomatic receptions are an old Earth custom. 你们可以把这当作办正事前双方相互了解的好机会 Think of it as a way for us to get to know ch other before the real work begins. 我非常希望这次的临时联盟 能成为长♥期♥联盟 I think I speak for everyone here when I say 我想这也是所有人的心声 we very much hope that this temporary alliance will become permanent. 不要有太热切的期盼 Do not "hope" too fervently. 凯隆星人一旦被制♥服♥ 这个联盟就解散 Once the Kaylon are crushed, the alliance will be dissolved.

 我们到那时才会欢喜庆祝 Only then will we celebrate. 好吧 还是敬你们 Well, still... 女士们 先生们 我们敬个酒 Ladies and gentlemen, a toast. 我们不是每一天都有机会见证历史 It"s not every day one gets a chance to be part of history. 但今晚 我们正在这个大厅里创造历史 But tonight, history is being made in this room. 因为我们即将开始 朝一个未知的领域开启史诗级的探索之旅 As we prepare to begin an epic journey into unexplored realms, 同时我们也迈出新的一步 既弥补过去的伤痛 we also take the next step toward healing the wounds of the past 又开辟新的道路 建立长久的友谊 and forging a new path toward lasting friendship. 让我们敬更美好的未来 Here"s to a better future. 嘿 我准备带这瓶酒去别的地方 Hey. I"m gonna take this bottle somewhere else. 你要一起吗? -天啊 好的 You wanna join me? - God, yes. 你可以自己应付吗?我会还这个人情的 Can you handle this alone? I"ll owe you one. 可以 我就待在这里 喝到肝硬化为止 Yeah, I"ll just stay here and give myself cirrhosis. 我觉得我们应该每周固定喝一次 I feel like we should make this a weekly ritual. 你和我?喝光一瓶酒? -不好吗? You and me, draining a bottle? - Why not?

 我没有异议 No argument here. 我在一本很老的书上看过一句话 You know, there"s a line from a very old book I once read: “我们要极其小心 "It is only with greatest care 才能防止回忆变成监狱或绞刑架” that memory can be kept from becoming a prison or a gallows." 我赞同 I"ll go along with that. 你知道吗?我结过一次婚

 You know, I was married once. 什么? What? - Mm-hmm. 你结过婚? -对 You were married? - Yup. 你怎么从来没跟我说过? How come you"ve never told me this? 我不经常提这件事 Uh, I don"t talk about it often. 对方是谁? Who was the guy? 等等 Wait... 不是吧 -就是他 No. - Yeah. 克里斯蒂中将?真的吗? 你和克里斯蒂中将结过婚? Admiral Christie? Are you serious? You were married to Admiral Christie? 那是很久以前的事了 It was a long time ago. 我当时是联点军校的一名医学生 I was a medical student at Union Point.

 他是带我的教授之一 He was one of my professors. 在我最后一学年开始时 我们开始在一起 We started seeing each other at the beginning of my final year. 在我毕业之前 我们一直在秘密恋爱 Kept it a secret until I graduated. 然后我们在我毕业的六个月后结婚 Then, six months later, we got married. 我们给公众的说法是 我们在一起没多久 The official story was that we"d only been together a short time 就匆匆步入婚姻的殿堂 但我觉得大家都不傻 and then rushed to the altar, but I don"t think anyone was fooled. 就算给我十亿年 我也绝对想不到 Never in a billion years would I have pegged you 你会和自己的教授恋爱 as someone who"d hook up with your professor. 凡是禁忌的 都是诱人的 Everything forbidden is sweet. 后来发生了什么? So what happened?

 简单来说就是 我觉得他需要的其实不是妻子 Long story short: I don"t think he really wanted a wife. 他需要的是 在他深夜结束一天漫长的工作后 He wanted someone young and smiling 回到家能有一个年轻女人 微笑着迎接他 to come home to at the end of the night after a long day"s work. 当我还在上学时 我就是这样和他相处的 Which was sort of how it was when I was still in school, 但是当我们不再是师生后 我希望他能当我的伴侣 but once the ranks were dropped, I was looking for a partner. 可是他要的只是一个暖床的人 He was looking for a bed-warmer. 我给他下了最后通牒 结果他离开了 I gave him an ultimatum, and... he walked away. 你当时岂不是很伤心? Were you devastated? 对 在当时 我非常难过 At the time, I was crushed, yeah. 我质疑自己的一切 I questioned everything about myself. 每一次当我反省婚姻结束的原因 Every way I turned it over in my head, 我总会觉得做错的人是我 I kept feeling like I was the one at fault, 就好像是我犯了一个大错 like I made a huge mistake. 但是现在 当我回忆当年时 But when I remember it now, it"s like... 我就像是看着别人家的女儿 I"m watching someone else"s daughter. 我为她感到难过 I"m sad for her,

 但我知道她需要吸取教训 but I know she needs to learn her own lessons. 这次再见到他 你一定很不好受 It must"ve been really hard seeing him again.

 奇怪的是 我觉得他比我更不好受 Oh, in a weird way, I think it was harder for him. 对 我理解 Well, yeah, I get that. 如果结束关系的人是你 你会更加痛苦

 The pain can be worse when you"re the one ending things. 就个人而言 我宁愿被人甩 也不愿去甩别人 Personally, I"d always rather be dumped than be the dumper. 我也是 Same. 总之 这已经是过去式了 我一直在向前看 Anyway, different lifetime. On to the future. 没准那两个克里尔人有一个是单身呢 Well, maybe one of the Krill is single. 这想法不错 That"s a thought. 嘿 说不定他们两个都是单身呢 And, hey, there"s two of them. 我没法和穿得比我还耀眼的人恋爱 I can"t date anyone who dresses more glam than I do. 好 理由很充分 Okay, fair enough. 我们考虑了你们要穿越我们空域的请求 We have considered your request for passage through our territory, 我们准备予以同意 and we are prepared to grant it. 但有一些条件 But there are certain conditions. 请讲 We"re listening. 在联盟太空中 有一颗富含哈卡锂姆的无人星球 There is an uninhabited planet in Union space that is rich in harcarium. 我们在推进系统中用到...

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