
发布时间:2022-07-03 20:20:01




 Community- - oriented landscape design for sustainability

 in architecture and planning

 Abstract: Sustainable design has a lot to do with society, economy and environment"s principles, and these elements should be considered in design process. Social aspects of sustainability, is in need of community participation. Participation in the design process especially in landscape architecture and design is one of the most important factors which are emphasized in recent years and new paper is to propose a systematic guideline to find community needs and demands in order to develop a community-oriented landscape design. This model developed to meet sustainability in architecture and planning, which is examined in case of Iran, Tehran, Majid-Abad Park. Keywords: community-oriented; landscape design; sustainable design;customers" needs; customer satisfaction; majid-abad park。

 . 1.


 The urban


 spaces have


 environmental importance

 with regard

 to their contribution to the reduction of various types of pollution and to the improvement of microclimatic conditions. Furthermore, urban open spaces make positive contributions to human health and well being and they lead to an important contribution to human thermal comfort in exterior spaces [1]. Beside aesthetic, psychological and health benefits, natural features in cities can have other social benefits [2]. Aspects such as “amount of public green spaces per inhabitant”, “public parks” and “recreation areas” are often mentioned as important factors to make the city liveable, pleasant and attractive for its citizens. It is strongly believed that developing more sustainable cities is not just

 about improving the abiotic and biotic aspects of urban life, it is also about the social aspects of city life, that is—among others—about people’s satisfaction, experiences and perceptions of the quality of their everyday environments [3]. So a good strategy for a sustainable landscape development should not only focus on sustaining the physical landscape resources, but it should also and perhaps most of all guarantee that the residents can participate in the landscape development [4]. Sustainability indicators for urban development should include more parameters about public spaces and green open areas, as well as indexes reflecting citizens’ satisfaction and perception of their living environments [3]. This paper direct to the importance of urban parks for the well being of the citizens and for the sustainability of the city they live in. . 2.



 . Community and Advantages of Participation

 Concepts such as ‘community’ and ‘community participation’ have been intensively problematized in recent decades in both developed and developing countries. Contexts are indeed different and varied [5]. The word ‘community’ is an umbrella term that is defined and applied in a myriad of ways [6]. Citizen participation is, however, a lot more than just consulting people for the successful resolution of social, cultural and economic issues related to environmental conflicts. The primary goal of participation is to give proper responsibility to people for, and control over, their lives [7]. The importance of community participation has been emphasized in the 5th Development Plan of

 Islamic Republic of Iran that highlighted the necessity community-oriented approaches, especially in landscape architecture.

 . Participation in Process Design

 To produce an object-design and, as far as necessary, a realization design, one may want to design the design process itself. However, as in the realization process, in many cases already some kind of design process may be in place. Experienced individual architectural or engineering designers, or small teams of them, tend to use informal procedures for their design processes, which they have developed over time through their initial professional training and through subsequent experimenting and learning…Professionalization of process design has progressed much less than in object and realization design. As we will see this may be related to the fact that in object and realization design one designs respectively material objects and processes with strong material elements, while in process design one designs human action systems, which are of a fundamentally different nature [8].

 Armstrong (1993) observed that the individual has a natural claim to participate in decision making related to his/her situation with both psychological and social needs to feel control over his or her own life conditions. He explains that decisions become better when the persons who are affected become a part of the decision making process [9]. if one longs for decision making and esteems the design of expert and participative technical solutions over those designed through , object and realization design, the technical/ participative approach is likely to be used. Main stages of the design

 process can comes into account a general decide model Identify, design, selection, implementation and evaluation of environment are the main stages of the design process, see figure 1.

 Fig. 1. General model for designing practical procedure

 . Quality Function Deployment

 Quality function deployment (QFD) is ‘‘an overall concept that provides a means of translating customer requirements into the appropriate technical requirements for each stage of product development and production [10]. In the 1960s, Quality Control and Quality Improvement had a distinctively manufacturing flavor in Japan. . . . In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Joji [Yoji] Akao and others went to work on improving the design process so that when the new product was introduced to manufacturing, it was high quality from the beginning. The process for improving design was called Quality Function Deployment (QFD). From 1975 to 1995, this tool/process was integrated with other improvement tools to generate a mosaic of opportunities for product developers [11]. Since

 its initial development in Japan in the late 1960s and early 1970s, especially since its rapidly spreading to the US in the 1980s and later to many industries in many nations, a vast literature on QFD has evolved. To suit the different needs of QFD researchers and practitioners, its literature needs categorizing and reviewing. This is a meaningful but difficult work that seems having not been done yet[12]. There is no definite boundary for QFD ’s potential fields of applications And the interests in QFD applications in process design are growing slowly. Various applications within the literature can be grouped under three categories as: QFD

 implementations before the design process; QFD

 implementations during the design process and QFD implementations after the design process.

 QFD was originally proposed, through collecting and analyzing the voice of the customer,

 to develop products with higher quality to meet or surpass customer’s needs. Thus, the primary functions of QFD are product development, quality management, and customer needs analysis. Quality management and product development are achieved in QFD through customer needs analysis that, in fact, is always the very first step of a QFD process and is thus an important functional field of QFD [13]. QFD is not a design technique. It is a method from design process to satisfy the customer. It is to guide the design process and to transform customer requirements into design objectives. It is applied to evaluate design solutions or outputs from the creative process of design.

 QFD is a pro-active

 ‘‘customer-driven planning process’’

 so that problems could be found and solved at the

 very beginning of

 the product development and fewer people have to deal with the problems at the later stages [14]. . 3.

 Infer ence


 . Research Tools

 QFD offers a rationalized approach to customer satisfactions and seems complex and mathematical with too many data. For some landscape design, it ’s not easy to define the average customer, and also customers may not know all possibilities. In the first part of present study, the design team prepared the engineering characteristics that would enable a set of predefined customer needs

 regarding the comfort and improving product performance. Next, the design team used the House

 of Quality to establish the and


  engineering mutual relations between the customer needs characteristics.

 . Research Question and Research Method

 How a customer-oriented approach toward landscape design may be established? Qualitative Research Method is adopted in this paper which being supported by depth interview technique with questionnaire[15].

 . 4.

 Case Study: QFD application in A Customer- - Oriented

 Approach Toward Landscape


 . Police Park

 The case study covers a QFD exercise carried out by research team of landscape architecture students of Tarbiat Modares University in the case of Iran, Tehran, Police Park. Police Park is located in the region called the Garden of Majid Abad in the North East area of Tehran and total area is about 42 hectares. Since its completion in 2003, it has become the most popular park in the city. This park split to northern and southern section by Street. We will remember to North Majid-Abad Park and South Majid-Abad Park in this paper. The purpose of this research is employing qualitative techniques to develop performance quality in neighborhood parks design. In this regard, North Majid-Abad Park has been selected as samples and South Majid-Abad Park as rival Park in computing and data collection in the field is considered, Figure 2. Fig. 2. North Majid-Abad Park and South Majid-Abad Park

 . Constructing the HOQ Matrix

 A difficult and demanding part of the systems engineering process is definition of the problem and identification of the needs to the system. QFD is related to systems engineering in terms of facilitating specification of stakeholders’ wants and needs to the system at each stage from research and product development to engineering and manufacturing, to marketing and distribution. QFD is a method that structures system planning and development, and enables the developme...

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