
发布时间:2022-07-05 16:40:03




 我怀着很多想法开始了竞选总统之旅 I began a quest for the presidency, a quest with many ideas, (哈特)

 但只有一个最重要的主题 but with one driving theme: 那就是我们的政党和国家 需要新的领袖 新的方向 that our party and our nation need new leadership, new direction, 和新的希望 and new hope. 今晚 理想主义的火炬在千家万户点燃 Tonight, the torch of idealism is lit in thousands of homes, 在成千上万的城镇点燃 在成百上千万的人当中点燃 in tens of thousands of towns and hundreds of thousands of lives (反对核武器)

 无论是年轻人 还是精神上年轻的人 among the young in spirit and the young in age. -它不能熄灭 也不会熄灭 -五 四 三… -It cannot go out. It will not go out. -Five, four, three… -它将继续燃烧 -二 一 -It will continue to burn. -…two, and one. (航♥天♥局扩大在地球轨道的建设)

 里根总统和安德罗波夫总理 President Reagan and Premier Andropov 签署了一项月球和平条约 实质上把月球分成了两半 signed a lunar peace treaty essentially dividing the moon in two. 国会报告详述了 Congressional report details 月球基地几乎熔毁的事故是如何避免的 以及安全是如何… how the lunar base"s near meltdown was averted and how safety… 著名的美国宇航员常去的 前哨酒馆开了连锁店 Famed US astronaut hangout, The Outpost, has now opened franchises 位于纽约 洛杉矶 柏林和东京 in New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, and Tokyo. 《危险边缘》的主持人亚历克斯崔贝克 The host of Jeopardy! Alex Trebek. 戈尔巴乔夫的政策 让苏联经济进入高速发展 Gorbachev"s policies have the Soviet Union"s economy in hyperdrive, 让苏联影响力在全球扩张 expanding Soviet influence across the globe. 在核聚变方面的重大突破 Major breakthrough in nuclear fusion.

 由戴夫阿耶萨和理查德希利亚德 设计的反应堆有潜力… The reactor, developed by Dev Ayesa and Richard Hilliard, has the potential… 共和党人艾伦威尔逊是前宇航员 Republican, Ellen Wilson, a former astronaut, -轻松赢得了得州参议员… -上帝保佑得州 -won her Texas Senate race handily… -God bless Texas. 鲍德温和克里夫兰成立了 世界上第一家太空旅游公♥司♥ Baldwin and Cleveland launched the world"s first space tourism company, 北极星太空旅行 Polaris Space Tours. 披头士乐队的重聚巡演从芝加哥开始 The Beatles reunion tour begins in Chicago, 这是自 1966 年以来他们第一次在美国演出 their first time performing in the US since 1966. …获得在月球上开采大量氦 3 气田的合同 …contract to mine massive deposits of helium-3 on the moon, 它是核聚变的理想材料 an ideal resource for nuclear fusion. 北朝鲜政♥府♥宣布 The North Korean government announced 他们将放弃具有争议性的弹道导弹计划 they are abandoning their controversial ballistic missile program 转而专注于太空计划 to focus on their space program. 哈特以压倒性优势击败 共和党人帕特罗伯逊赢得连任 …Hart won reelection in a landslide over Republican Pat Robertson. 1988 年是至关重要的一年 The stakes of 1988 could not be higher. 我们的选择非常明确 The choices could not be clearer. 科学家詹姆士汉森 作证说全球变暖正在减缓 Scientist James Hansen testified that global warming has slowed 原因是从化石能源向核聚变的广泛转型 due to the widespread shift from fossil fuels to nuclear fusion. 驻莫斯科大使 …the ambassador to Moscow, 在美国大使♥馆♥发现数个窃听装置之后… after several listening devices were discovered in the American embassy. 电影《太空之恋》取材于 The film Love in the Skies, based on the lives 戈登和崔茜史蒂文斯的生活经历 在好莱坞首映…

 of Gordo and Tracy Stevens, premiered in Hollywood… 托马斯潘恩太空望远镜 The Thomas Paine space telescope 将搭载开路者号♥被发射进入轨道… will be launched into orbit aboard the Pathfinder… 宇航员丹尼史蒂文斯 即戈登和崔茜史蒂文斯的儿子 Astronaut Danny Stevens, the son of Gordo and Tracy Stevens, 已经到达詹姆斯镇… has arrived at the Jamestown… 北极星太空旅游公♥司♥ 宣布了他们的最新项目 Polaris Space Tours has announced their latest venture. 既然我们要送大家去太空 不如给他们提供睡觉的地方 …sending folks up in space, we might as well give them some place to sleep. 加里哈特再次拒绝向科威特派遣军队 Gary Hart has again declined to send troops to Kuwait, 在这个小国… after the small nation… 美国将要去火星了 The United States is going to Mars. 航♥天♥局宣布了旅居者一号♥航♥天♥器计划 NASA unveiled their plans for the Sojourner 1 spacecraft. 苏联是否也能在 1996 年发射还是个问题 Questions remain if the Soviets will also be able to launch in 1996. 得州参议员艾伦威尔逊宣布 Texas Senator Ellen Wilson has announced 她将竞选共和党总统候选人 that she is running for Republican nomination for president. 南卡罗莱纳州 我们来了 South Carolina, here we come. 克♥林♥顿♥承诺正面的竞选活动 …Clinton pledged a positive campaign 聚焦于打造通往 21 世纪的桥梁 focused on building a bridge to the 21st century. 我们将给你们提供比以往更多奖励和机会 We will give you more incentives and more opportunity than ever before 来培养工人的技能 to develop the skills of your workers 创造美国的工作和美国的财富 and to create American jobs and American wealth 在这个新的全球太空经济中 in the new global space economy.

 正如《圣经》所说 As the scripture says, 我们的眼睛还没有看到 耳朵还没有听到 our eyes have not yet seen, nor our ears heard, 我们的头脑也还没有想象到我们能做的 nor our minds imagined what we can do. 我是凯伦 This is Karen. 嘿 你 Hey, you. 嗨 山姆 Hi, Sam. 你睡得怎么样

 How"d you sleep? 一夜未合眼 你呢

 Not a wink. You? 我睡得很好 Like a baby. 骗人 Liar. 得了 跟我说实话 Come on. Be honest with me. 你越来越喜欢在太空了 是不是

 It"s growing on you, being up here, isn"t it? 根本不是 Not at all. 还是讨厌它 Still hate it. 客人就要到了 打起精神来 Well, the guests are almost here, so put your game face on. 我准备就绪了 I"m ready. 好吧 你最好一切就绪 我们一小时后见 Yeah, all right. You better be. We"ll see you in an hour. 好的 All right. 《北极星》 (《危情十日》 史蒂芬金著)


 (瘦得快饮品 (简明换算表)

 早安 麦迪逊女士 Morning, Ms. Madison. 早安 约根斯女士 Morning, Ms. Jorgens. 抱歉 女士 这些是给你的留言 Sorry, ma"am. Here are your messages. 农业部长打过电♥话♥ The Secretary of Agriculture called. 他想知道你是否有时间 考虑过他的资金要求 He was wondering if you had any time to consider his funding request. 我考虑过了 I"ve considered it. 我不懂资助他的农药研究 怎么成了航♥天♥局的工作 Not sure how financing his pesticide research is NASA"s job. 告诉他她还在考虑提案的细节 Tell him she"s still considering the finer points of the proposal. 楚利行政官想和您谈谈 Administrator Truly wanted to speak to you 关于选择火星任务指挥官的人选 如果… regarding the selection of the Mars mission"s commander, if-- -现在不行 -好吧 我们来看看 -Not now. -Okay. Let"s see. 海王星唱片来电了 您订购的新唱片到了 Neptune Records called. The new album you ordered has arrived. 我今天晚些时候去取 I"ll pick it up later today. 另外 赫利俄斯宇航的 阿耶萨先生打来电♥话♥询问 And Mr. Ayesa from Helios Aerospace called about the priority launches 氦 3 采矿设备的优先发射事宜 for his helium-3 mining equipment. 还有… And… 他送来一件礼物 he sent a gift. 据说这烟熏白鱼是今早从挪威空运来的 Apparently, the smoked whitefish was flown in fresh from Norway this morning. 送回去 Send it back. 并提醒他我们航♥天♥局不接受贿赂 And remind him we don"t accept bribes at NASA. 我们去环游世界吧

 Let"s go around the world. 国♥务♥院♥正在报道另一起 北朝鲜发射失败的事件 The State Department is reporting another failed North Korean launch. 他们这次到达了轨道 They reached orbit this time, 但在航♥天♥器可以部署之前 上级发射系统就爆♥炸♥了 but the upper stage exploded before the spacecraft could be deployed. 也许是因为他们一直 在使用老旧的苏联设备 Maybe that"s because they keep using outdated Soviet equipment. 我们跟踪残骸的轨迹了吗

 Have we tracked the path of the debris? 是的 目前没有 对轨道飞行器造成危险的迹象 Yes. Currently, no sign of danger to any orbital craft, 但我们已经提醒了苏联 中国和欧洲 but we have alerted the Soviets, Chinese and Europeans 继续监测情况 to continue monitoring the situation. 对托马斯潘恩轨道望远镜的修理进展顺利 The repairs to the Thomas Paine orbital telescope went well. 企业号♥太空梭预计明天早上返回地球 And the shuttle Enterprise is slated to return to Earth tomorrow morning, 这是好消息 so that"s good news. 请只说信息 不要加评论 Just the information, please. No commentary. 抱歉 是 女士 Sorry. Yes, ma"am. 提醒一下 北极星公♥司♥的新轨道酒店 A reminder that Polaris"s new orbital hotel 今天下午将举办那个婚礼 赶在他们下个月正式开张之前 is holding that wedding this afternoon before they officially open next month. 太空旅游业 上帝帮助我们所有人 Space tourism. God help us all. 我们送礼了吧

 We sent something, right? 是 女士 Yes, ma"am. (火星任务控制中心)

 推进系统怎么样 我们开始吧 How"s it looking, Propulsion? Let"s roll. 收到

 Copy. 詹姆斯镇 启动静态点火测试 Jamestown, initiate hot fire test. 收到 Copy. Initiating K-32 NERVA engine hot fire test (詹姆斯镇火箭试验场地)

 启动 K-32 火箭飞行器用核引擎 静态点火测试 三 二 一 in three, two, one. 发动引擎 Engine start. 舱内压力现在是 3869 千帕 Chamber pressure now at 3860 kPa. 等等 Hang on. 冷却器压力受阻 Cooler pressure is jammed. 旁路流量下降 Bypass flow is down. 核心正在失去冷却功能 We"re losing cooling in the core. 该死 Motherfucking fuck. 怎么搞的 我以为错误都已经修复了 What happened? I thought we fixed all the bugs. 各位 我们应该已经在上面烤棉花糖了 We should be up there roasting marshmallows by now, people. 如果我们不能让引擎正常工作 If we don"t get this engine functioning, -我们就赶不上… -赶不上 1996 年火星发射窗口期了 -we"re not gonna be able to make-- -Make the "96 Mars launch window. -我知道 -好吧 解决问题 -I know. -Okay. So, work the problem. 你试过增加涡轮泵压力吗

 Have you tried to increase the turbopump pressure? 是的 我研究过了 Yeah. I looked into that. 但流向喷油器的流量低于规格 But then the flow to the injector drops below spec. 你会找到原因的 继续努力 You"ll get there. Keep digging.

 好吧 Yeah. 把你所有的笔记发过来 Send all your notes over. (俄♥罗♥斯♥航♥天♥局局长 瑟吉尼库洛夫)

 我们很高兴地正式确认苏联 We are pleased to officially confirm that the Soviet Union 将于 1996 年向火星发射载人航♥天♥器 will be launching a manned mission to Mars in 1...

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